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EKGPC at the Canadian Law Awards

Eric K. Gillespie Professional Corporation and team nominated for the Class Action Team of the Year for the G20 Class Action case.

Image by Conor Samuel

G20 Settlement

After ten years of court proceedings and negotiations, the Toronto Police Services Board and representatives of about 1,100 individuals and public demonstrators who were mass arrested at the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto have signed a comprehensive and unprecedented class action Settlement Agreement. 

Wind Turbines

Wind Company and Farm Owner Sued Over Proposed Project

Wind developer WPD Canada and a farm that signed a lease to host wind turbines are now both being sued. The claim seeks an injunction and $2 million in damages related to the proposed Fairview Wind Farm in Stayner. 

Sunset Skydiving

Precedent setting decision stops wind turbine construction

The motion, decided by Executive Chair Lynda Tanaka who oversees the ERT, OMB and three other tribunals, temporarily stops the construction of two turbine towers during the appeal of the Ministry of the Environment's approval of the project. The Appellants, Skydive Burnaby Inc. and the company's co-owner Mikel Pitt, argue the turbines are too close to their skydiving school.


Turtles vs. Turbines Case Reaches Court of Appeal Monday

December 8 and 9, Ontario's top court considers what many are calling one of Canada's most important environmental appeals. In 2013 an Environmental Review Tribunal panel rejected approving industrial wind turbines in Prince Edward County in favour of threatened Blandings Turtles. The Divisional Court reinstated the project. "The case focuses on how we protect our species at risk and how much weight we give an expert tribunal's decision that turned the project down" said Eric Gillespie, counsel for the appellant.

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